Welcome to Scripted! We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild that formed because of a close
group of friends that just wished to raid together. Our founding members have raided
together in a few different guilds since Warlords of Draenor. Being such a large group of
friends, we found it extremely difficult to all raid together in the same guild. It was in
April 2019 where our dreams began to manifest into a reality.
For Dragonflight, we are made our first attempt for Hall of Fame in Amirdrassil. Falling a
bit short due to roster issues. (We never had a Fyrakk prog night with the same raid
comp). As we look forward to The War Within, we are looking for achieve our original
We pride ourselves on our raiding environment that is fostered by deeply rooted
friendships. It helps maintain a positive raid environment with a competitive edge. All
raiding positions are based off performance and displayed efforts, in and outside the
raid. Raiders are encouraged to play the class they enjoy the most as we do not base our
raid composition on the meta, but rather our best players. There will be times where the
fight requires more fined tuned comps like N’zoth or Fyrakk, and we do our best to adjust
as a raid team to those fights. We have little tolerance for players that are toxic,
reject constructive criticism, or think they are better than they are. We raid 9 hours a
week with the occasional extra day on progression, granted a unanimous vote by the entire
raid. We do not require alts.