
About Scripted

Welcome to Scripted! We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild that formed because of a close group of friends that just wished to raid together. Our founding members have raided together in a few different guilds since Warlords of Draenor. Being such a large group of friends, we found it extremely difficult to all raid together in the same guild. It was in April 2019 where our dreams began to manifest into a reality.

For Dragonflight, we are made our first attemot for Hall of Fame in Amirdrassil. Falling a bit short due to roster issues. (We never had a Fyrakk prog night with the same raid comp). As we look forward to The War Within, we are looking for achieve our original goal.

We pride ourselves on our raiding environment that is fostered by deeply rooted friendships. It helps maintain a positive raid environment with a competitive edge. All raiding positions are based off performance and displayed efforts, in and outside the raid. Raiders are encouraged to play the class they enjoy the most as we do not base our raid composition on the meta, but rather our best players. There will be times where the fight requires more fined tuned comps like N’zoth or Fyrakk, and we do our best to adjust as a raid team to those fights. We have little tolerance for players that are toxic, reject constructive criticism, or think they are better than they are. We raid 9 hours a week with the occasional extra day on progression, granted a unanimous vote by the entire raid. We do not require alts.

Meet The Team


GM/Raid Lead

Jex, our no-nonsense raid leader and GM extraordinaire of Scripted. This guy’s preparation game is on point—seriously, he could probably plan a raid in his sleep. Despite his impressive skill and dedication, Jex has a goofy side and isn’t above cracking a few dick jokes or making light of himself with some self-deprecating humor. Over the lifetime of our guild, he’s shown us just how fun raiding can be when you’re led by someone who balances charisma, game knowledge, and a dash of silliness. Here’s to Jex, the heart and soul of our guild, pushing us all to be our best while making us laugh along the way.


Recruitment Officer

Jinx, the ever-present officer of Scripted. Seriously, we are convinced he lives in Azeroth. Jinx brings a unique blend of sass and support to our guild, always ready to lend a hand while throwing in a witty remark or two. Recently, he ditched his shaman for a ret paladin, and let’s just say, he’s found his happy place. Whether it’s recruitment, loot allocation, or just being an all-around helpful guy, Jinx has a knack for making our guild better. Here’s to Jinx, our sassy, supportive powerhouse!


Feedback Officer

Ashy, our resident holy paladin and the silent sentinel of Scripted. Hailing from the south, Ashy brings a serious demeanor to our raids, balancing out the chaos with his calm presence—until he has something important to say, and then it’s like a thunderstorm in comms! He’s our go-to guy for log reviews, making sure we’re all playing at our best, and his helpful nature is always appreciated. He is known as a quiet force, but when he speaks, you know it’s worth listening. Here’s to Ashy, our steadfast and sometimes stormy southern paladin!


Melee DPS Officer

Germy, our versatile jack-of-all-trades and the understudy raid leader in Scripted. Germy’s ability to play any class or role we need is nothing short of impressive—seriously, it’s like he has a Swiss Army knife of characters. He loves the thrill of walking into new raids blind, embracing the challenge head-on, and yet, he never holds us back. Germy always steps in with helpful insights, catching the small details and keeping us on our toes. Here’s to Germy, our adaptable and sharp-eyed understudy raid leader extraordinaire!